Saturday, May 12, 2012

Easy toddler's pants from grandpa's shirt

This project is EXTREMELY easy. From customizing shirt for me I had left overs of checkers fabric and also almost whole man's shirt. I decided to use sleeves this time. They turned out into very nice and very light pants for my son. Of course he won't be able to wear them for another year but as long as I had that shirt laying on my table I couldn't out it apart for better days.

Originaly posted @ Trash to treasure
Of course nobody would give me not used shirt. So I had to do something with those very used cuffs. I simply cut them added an edge with a different fabric.

After I have connected 2 sleeves together to form a pants'  shape.
 On the top with the same fabric as I used for cuffs I attached the waist to put a rubber after.

And voila! Pants are ready.


  1. I don't know why, but I'm always fond of the sleeves to pants refashions. :) Thanks for the share! -Seeks, EOD

  2. Very cute and a great use of a frayed shirt.


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