Saturday, May 05, 2012

Just a Little Trim on The Sides

     So I seem to have a thing for jacket to vest refashions right now, lol. Unfortunately once again no before pics :(. I'm playing catch up with old projects that I've started but never finished, so hopefully one of these days I'll have some. Made from another jacket i found while perusing the thrift stores, I loved the print and construction of this jacket. You can't see it in the pics, which are still better than last time, but there are little silver pinstriped running through it besides the floral.

     I removed the arms and hand sewn some ribbon i found in a craft isle as the trim, then used the same ribbon to replace the string in the corset at the back that had seen better days. I like it and it should get some better use with it being spring. ttyl----QueenOfNothing


  1. I like the ribbon trim that you used; it goes really well with the floral print. Thanks for the share! -Seeks, EOD


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