Saturday, May 05, 2012

newspaper rings

 Hi there, it's been a while, but I'm 3/8 of the way through my exams, so not long until I have refashiony freedom again :P I got the tutorial for these rings from the channel 4 programme Kirstie's handmade Britain and loved the simplicity of the refashion and how they look cute but still elegant. The website doesn't seem to have a tutorial for the rings so there's a tute to follow on my blog. I used an old music sheet, a mismatched earring and some insulation tape for the band, but you could just as easily use newspaper, vintage wallpaper, drawer liners, a poem, pages from a book ( please make sure that the book is old and broken before you use it, no literature massacring please :) anything can be used. A proper ring post (post?) can be used too instead of insulation tape, I just didn't have any in the house at the time :) Happy refashioning, Roisin :P

1 comment:

  1. Cute! (Though I must admit, I'd probably smoosh the thing trying to reach for something near a wall.) Thanks! -Seeks, EOD


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