Sunday, May 13, 2012

No More Mom Jeans

I lowered the waist a bit on these jean shorts. Not much of a transformation, but they look and feel a lot better.



more about the process at jillians refashions


  1. Love this. You just gave a bunch of my pants a whole new life!

  2. This is a great idea. You didn't find that the waistband wasn't big enough to go around? Since the lower you go, the wider the area, I mean.

  3. There was enough waistband. I didn't cut that much off at the waist though - probably 1/4". I placed the seam at the fold of the waistband which lowered the rise even more. There was just a small pleat that I had to manipulate.

  4. Yeah, I know what you mean, vintagevogue. I think perhaps the jeans in this post were a little on the looser side to start with, so it was OK to lower them. But, I imagine if they were tight to begin, with you would have to add fabric to the waistband instead of easing it on at its original circumference?
    I wonder if the reverse would work too: if a waistband was too low, you could raise it by unpicking the waistband, adding a strip of fabric, then putting it back on...

  5. Thanks Jillian--I was writing my comment as you posted yours, so I didn't see it! I'm interested to know more about how you "placed the seam at the fold of the waistband" to lower the rise even more--how is this different from the original seam? Thanks!

  6. My original jean edge was about 1/4" from the wiastband stitching and not up all the way to the fold of the waistband. Hope that makes sense. I didn't get a photo of that part - arg!

  7. What a great tutorial! Time to save some jeans :)


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