Friday, May 18, 2012

refashion withdrawal = refashion binge!!!

So, we moved 3ish weeks ago to an amazing apartment, and my sewing machine has finally made its debut in its new location!!! I've been going through a major withdrawal, but it was well worth it, because today, I refashioned 5 different items...yeah, a bit of a binge to make up for those 3 "dry" weeks. I've been stalking the site for all of your amazing refashions as a way of soothing my cravings in the meantime ;)

I'm gonna share 3 of those all in one post...get ready!

This first one is a size 14 silk top that I thrifted at a local church second hand shop...loved the color but it needed a couple of changes. I seam ripped the sleeves off and then folded over the raw edges and ran them through my machine. Next I put the top on inside out, pinned the sides to make it more fitted, then ran that through my machine. Chopped off the excess and ran a zig zag stitch along the edge of the fabric as I do not own a serger....yet. Cute with jeans, maxi skirts, pencil skirts, and more! Love how it turned out.

These next two don't come with before pics, but the top was simply closed on the back. I cut straight down the middle of the back, held the two sides together to cut the curved edge, folded over the edges and pinned them, then ran them through my machine. Next I overlapped the two sides at the top and stitched them together at the back of the neck and at the small of my back. I plan on adding some pretty buttons at both locations to bring some more detail to the top, as well as some scraps of pretty fabric to bring more interest to the pockets on the front of the top.

 This skirt was just a long straight jersey knit skirt. I laid it out on the floor and cut a curved line (like a stretched out S) from the back up to the front (I laid it out so that two seams were at each side, the skirt has four seams). I just eyeballed it, so nothing really specific here, and no need to hem! I like that its a bit more fitted all the way down, though I also like the flowy versions I've seen as well. Oh, and excuse my panty lines ;) I'll make sure those don't show up when I wear this out!

Well, hope you enjoy these! I had fun diving back in:) Good luck in all of your refashions and I can't wait to see what's posted next!



  1. Wow...Love the first top as it has now been transformed with a retro feel. Very 60' it.
    The skirt is edgy and glamorous with the heels.
    Well done on all three.

  2. The skirt is very cool!

  3. Wow! Three good refashions in one post! Love it! Thanks. :) -Seeks, EOD


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