Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ten Second No Sew Skirt.

Seriously, this refashion only takes 10 seconds. Blink and you will miss it.




  1. Love it Mezzy! Nice job!


  2. I love me a super fast super simple refash! Love this as is, would be very cute with some wedges as well! Good choice ;)

  3. Thanks La La Lauren & Andrea. Being plus sized I felt very limited at clothing stores. Layered shapeless clothes in wacky colours are very popular here(this is targeted to the middle aged market). The other option is shiny brief clothing(targeting late teens, early twenties). With the first option you hide any semblance of female form. With the second option you expose every inch of female form. Neither appeal to me. Therefore I have had to think outside the square. Now when I shop at thrift stores I look for nice regular sized dresses with a generous elastic waist. These I then turn into cool skirts.

  4. You've definitely got the hourglass shape, Mezzy, and this skirt shows it!!! Love the detail at the waist, btw, brings all the attention to your tiny waist! And I have to say that thrifting is so much better than regular shopping...Instead of looking for my size, I'm looking for something bigger that I can make my size...no numbers to try and fit into, no disappointment when it just doesn't look right...I make things work for me now and that is so much more empowering and positive :)


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