Sunday, June 10, 2012

Another Anthropologie Inspired Denim Jacket

I love denim jacket refashions so I have created the "Little Dame Denim Jacket". You can turn something that is plain and sturdy into an amazing statement piece. This jacket started it's refashion life in a thrift store. It is a H & M jacket that is sized euro 98 which is a regular size 3 kids. It is in fantastic condition so I wanted to turn it from plain to designer. Although it is a child's jacket, this concept can easily be applied to an adult jacket. My first denim jacket refashion was based on an Anthropologie denim jacket. See my Well Travelled Rock Chick Jacket to see a similar refashion on an adult scale.

So start with your plain denim jacket

I don't like wasting any of my vintage fabrics. This beautiful 1960's-1970's linen tea towel was originally used in my Anthropologie Inspired Tote refashion.I had some left over fabric so I cut a piece fabric and ensured that the rose was central. The back of the jacket had three panels. I cut the fabric with pinking shears to sit in neatly in the central panel. This I then sewed into place.

Okay I will admit that these fabric roses are new, but they are just divine. I pinned these over the central rose panel to cover the edges and to create a cute border.

So this is the back of the jacket as modelled by Penelope Hanger who has now started up her own refashion Facebook Group. 

Love the red roses border. I think that it really lifts the jacket.

This is a close up of the back of the jacket. Very individual and unique.


  1. Love this one! The colors are perfect, really adds to a plain ol' boring jacket :)

  2. It is gorgeous - love the vintage print and the bright splash of colour from the roses.


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  5. Stunning! I like how you stick with the theme of roses. Makes me think I should look for a pansy thing to use up my pansy fabric with.


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