Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Colour Block Dress from Two Ugly Polo Shirts

Hi guys,

This is my first time posting on Refashion Co-Op, and I'm pretty excited! I wanted to share one of my favourite refashion projects. A few weeks back I got fancy new work shirts with my name embroidered on them, so I wanted to think up something to do with the old ones so they weren't wasted. I hated the style of the shirts, but loved the colours! I ended up chopping the two shirts up & using pieces of each to make a colour blocked dress.

I think it turned out pretty cute in the end! If you're interested, I wrote a little bit of a tutorial for doing this over on my blog.


  1. Oooo La La I love this and it looks so comfy. I joined your site too

  2. Really like this dress! The neckline is to die for and the blocking is perfect! Great job...seeing one of these in my future ;)

  3. What a cool idea, looks so cute!!!

  4. Oh my goodness, I love this!! You did a fabulous job!

  5. Love! So nice! love the 2 tone!

    LaLaLauren, EOD


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