Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Denim Fabric Baskets...

Hi, Pam here from Threading My Way.

I was so happy with my first fabric basket, that I thought I'd make some more. This time I've used an old pair of denim jeans for the outside and fabric from my stash for the lining.

I've experimented with different sizes...

The shortest basket, which is also the widest, has a square bottom. This one will most probably be filled with goodies and given as a gift. It's a cute, little shape and my favourite of the three.

The medium size basket is slightly taller and slightly narrower than the first. I'm keeping this one and using it in my sewing room.

I'm keeping the largest basket, too, but I'm not sure where I'll put it. Here it is filled with lotions and potions.

I've written a tutorial showing how I made my Denim Fabric Baskets. Here's another post I've written about the same baskets.

... Pam


  1. These are very sweet.I can also imagine on used as a centre piece full of easter eggs at Easter.

  2. i love these! i am going right now to look at the tutorial! :) lisa

  3. Nice way to use old denim! :)

    LaLaLauren, EOD

  4. I desperately need on of those!
    And I'm a follower too :D


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