Saturday, June 02, 2012

Dyed skirt and taken in top

This is gardening time for me and I have another arts project with a friend so I've not been refashioning much. I have plans and several things started to show soon because I need a summer work wardrobe! So unfortunately no before pic. Here is a thrifted skirt that I dyed green. It was lovely before, white and tan, but just not me. I like to sit on park benches and on the ground and it just wouldn't work. I did it in a bucket with hot tap water and salt with the dye. I left it in for hours to get this fairly dark color and swooshed it around every half hour or so. Not quite enough to get a perfectly even color, but I like it. Sorry about the wrinkles. I had just worn it all day. CIMG2323 The tan parts turned olivey color which please me. CIMG2322 Here I am after wearing it on casual Friday at work. I've got to get my dh to take my pics for me. The mirror ones are terrible lately. CIMG2321 And here is a pull over blouse I simply sewed a couple inches up the side for a much needed work top. It was incredibly simple and I always get compliments when I wear it. CIMG2324 I wore my pansy shoes that I last posted about to work and they got noticed! The pic I took is terrible. I'll take another next time I wear them. Thanks for looking. And happy refashioning! Kathy


  1. I totally sympathize with the difficulty of getting decent pictures, especially when life is just busy. Great refashions, though, and I'm so glad you shared! -Seeks, EOD

  2. I totally sympathize with the difficulty of getting decent pictures, especially when life is just busy. Great refashions, though, and I'm so glad you shared! -Seeks, EOD


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