Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Getting rid of armpit stains: White T-shirt Refashion

I know I am not the only one out there who has a trouble with yellow arm pit stains, and soaking in hydrogen peroxide doesn't always help. And in that case there is only one thing left to do, and that's to CUT!
I was 100% sure I took a before picture, but that seemed to have miraculously disappeared off of my phone. Anyways I had this H&M t-shirt for a while, and it's one of those hi-lo hem line shirts that are ridiculously IN right now. But I was always self-concious wearing it, because of the stains. I know they don't really show in the picture, but they are there! Believe me!

So I had no better option, but to CHOP:

Then sew around:

So that it looked like this:

Add some lace, because we all know that lace, especially when it's vintage, makes everything look better!

And viola:

Sorry no face today, I have pink eye, and we all know how contagious that is :)
Let me know what you think of the refashion and how do you get rid of yellow armpit stains!

This same post is available on - that's where my blogger heart beats!


  1. I hate the stains too. Nice save!


  2. This is a great fix that helps extend the life on a nice summer top.

  3. I really love the effect of the lace.

  4. Those stains are always nasty ones, so this is a great idea !

  5. To prevent staining, try mixing a paste of amonia and colour-safe bleach. Brush it on and let it sit and then scrub gently. The amonia breaks up the wax in deoderants/anti-perspirants and the colour safe bleach lightens. Don't know if this works with stains that have been set-in by the dryer.

  6. Cool idea! Thanks! And thanks @TracyKM, good tip!!!! (I can't really use the lace idea for my hubby's t's huh?? **insert maniacal laugh here** )


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