Wednesday, June 27, 2012

You might be a Redneck...

Don't get me wrong, I'm a country girl (a proud fact) and will always be a country girl at heart.  I was raised on a chicken farm with at least 3 old rusty tractors (in various stages of repair, I might add) parked in the front lawn, a makeshift rope swing on our biggest mango tree, and about 8 hunting dogs who never saw the inside of a vet's office.  Did I mention my brother's nickname is Bubba? 

Needless to say, it was one of the happiest places of my life.  As I've gotten older, and supposedly wiser (snort), I've decided that the deep rooted redneck philosophy of  being comfortable in your own skin with what you got, ain't so bad after all.  Now won't find me deep frying catfish in a makeshift BBQ pit in the middle of a rainstorm (thank you Swamp People!) but I understand why.

I found this little ditty at the St. Anthony School Bazaar for a whopping 2 BUCKS!

 Although a men's size large, it was Gap denim..and a steal.
 Finished product after a few minor alterations.

More details on the change here where I blog

Cheers to dancing in the rain,

Maui Girl


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