Monday, July 02, 2012

DIY Bead Cuff from "you'll-never-guess-what"

Hey everyone! Today's post is another reuse/repurpose one! Surprised, aren't you? Well, it all started with this pair of shoes:

But I got them totally ruined when we went out last:

And since these shoes were totally unfixable (trust me I wanted to save them, they were my favorite pair to wear to work) I decided to take the best from them, aka the beads!
So 3 or so hours later (cutting those babies off was a torture), I ended up with this:

A neat little pile isn't it?
My next thing to get was - some beading cord. So last Sunday on our way to Lake Calhoun, hubby and I stopped at Bobby Bead on Hennepin. Turns out beading is an expensive hobby here in the US! The stringing cord I was looking for was going to cost me $12.94 plus tax. Which was so not cool. Then I remembered that back when I was into beading in Russia, I used fishing line. And hey, they sell it at Ace Hardware for $3.50 plus tax, and you get 250 yd! How awesome is that? (Here is a tip - if your beads are small, like mine - go for the thinnest line - in my case it was the one that can hold 8lb ;) )

The guy at Ace could totally tell I wasn't going to fish with my purchase, so I told him it was for a craft project! Now I am sure you are all dying to see it - so here it is:
The beginning:

Almost half way through:

Finishing up:

And Ta-Da!!!

I am so wearing this to work today!
Let me know what you think:)


  1. The beaded cuff is very chic. I agree that fishing wire is a great beading thread! Thanks for sharing


  2. Faublous reuse. Love how it looks.

  3. Awesome! Great save on the bling!


  4. Thank you ladies :) I have beads left over for another project too!


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