Thursday, July 05, 2012

Purposeful Patchwork

Mass produced prints are one of my biggest pet peeves. Slapping on a zero-imagination print (or worse…a logo) is sure fire way to ruin even the most  froufroushishi garment, amiright? Unfortunately munchkin-gear manufacturers seem to be the worst offenders. Fear not, your little one need not be a walking billboard! I’ve added to my arsenal of covert cover-ups & creative camouflage….behold:

 Now you see it…now you don’t! Adorable patchwork with a purpose! 


  1. I couldn't see the image clearly on this pic, but can see on your own blog the adorable house, tree and clouds picture, its so cute, love this idea, thanks for sharing!

    Erica EOD

  2. Your patchwork cover-up is brilliant. I love how you covered a mass produced image with something unique and individual.


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