Thursday, July 05, 2012

Refashion Crisis

Everyone was so helpful when I needed help with my Simple Skirt Refahion, that I thought I would reach out again.

Yikes!  I was working on this project and in my haste, I twisted this strap and did not notice until I had finished my alterations and had placed it on the mannequin.  Sigh...

The problem is that I kind of like the look of the twisted strap but I cannot make up my mind!!

What do you think?  Twisted strap or original?  Or do you have an even better idea?


  1. Hi,

    The look is nice but you have to try it on to see if it bothers you. Since the pattern is not cut to twist, it might not fall properly on you or pull in places you don't want it to. You could also add some kind of loop around the strap to give it an interesting look or some bows or even ruching on the shoulder seam or below. But be careful not to "thin" your strap too much because you risk not having enough "length" and it could pull. Whatever you do, you have to undo one strap. I hope I was clear enough... Good Luck !

  2. I would leave the strap as is and sew a button or fabric flower at the twist just to hide the exposed stitching, but then again I like asymetry!

  3. I agree with Claudia. I prefer the twisted style because the original strap looks too wide for my taste, but the twisted one might not fall correctly once you are wearing the garment. Not to mention the stitches would show. I like the idea of trying to obtain a similar look through one of the methods she mentioned.

  4. Could you make the original strap narrower?

    Erica EOD

  5. Ditto with Claudia. I love the look of the twist, so if it works when you wear it, then I'd keep it!

  6. I agree with Rachel - the twisted strap gives it such an interesting and fresh look (I think I'm going to try this!). I would just hide the exposed stitching.


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