Thursday, July 05, 2012

A Sheet Dress

Hey folks,

I have been slaving away in a heatwave trying to organize my house and I found this interesting piece I made while I was preparing for my fashion show, for which, incidentally, the videos are coming up soon.   I will keep you posted.

The dress is from a pattern (Butterick I think) and I made it from a children's sheet that was donated to me.  I tried the pattern to see if it fit because I want to make it in another sheet, more mature.  It is not yet finished but I need your opinion as if it is appropriate for a 40-something to wear...

Here it is:

It has little elephants on it...  I REALLY like the pattern with pockets (I love me some pockets !).  The straps are not quite fixed yet.  It has a zipper in the back.  It is a tad longer than I usually like but it is the style of the dress and I am not sure if it would work longer.  Here are some pics to see the full length (minus the hem, of course).

I still have not gotten the hang of taking pictures of myself...  And excuse the crocs but they are so comfortable !

I also used an embroidery stitch on the bodice.

Here is a closer look at the pattern of the fabric.  Too cutsy for a grown woman ?

As soon as I make the more mature version, I'll be sure and post it.

There are more awkward pictures of me on my blog Sew Lil Time.

So what do you think:

1- It is too young ?
2- Is it too long ?




  1. I love the colors! I typically like my dresses a little shorter but the length on this dress looks just fine to me. I think as long as you don't shorten it too much, it won't straddle the line of age inappropriateness. Great job! I think it makes a wonderful summer dress!

  2. I agree, I think the cut and length keeps it fun and not that you are trying to dress to young.

    Of course, you couldn't wear it everywhere! but looks good for a day you want to cheer everyone up around you! LOL

    You might get away with shorter in a more mature print.

    Looking forward to seeing your fashion show!
    Sandy in the UK

  3. I love this dress, the elephant print is so cute. Its great just the way it is!

    Thanks for sharing

    Erica EOD

  4. Yes... it is a tad too young to wear anywhere else but home... (I say this because I made a baby quilt out of this same fabric!). But as far as as a trial garment for testing the pattern... it's great, and so is the pattern and the length! Enjoy... keep cool!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think it is too young. The fabric might work as a skirt, if the lines a fairly simple, even severe. The dress pattern is youthful and when the fabic is a juvenile print the two together are just a little twee for a grown woman. I vote yes for the patten, no on the fabric

  7. If you believe it....then you can wear it. It is all about confidence. If you commit to that garment 100%, then you will carry it off. If you don't believe in it...then others will not believe in you wearing it.

  8. I wholeheartedly agree with Mezzy's brilliant comment! You look good when you feel good & you feel good when feel confident...if you feel good wearing something then go for it!
    *In my humble opinion, you look completely adorkable in the dress, elephants, crocs & all! =O)

  9. Ditto to the two comments above. I think the dress is awesome, print and length. As for being too young, rubbish. If you love it wear it...and if not send it too me! (And I'm not much younger than you)

  10. I think it's lovely - I like a skirt length that finishes just at the bottom of the knee - so I'd take it up an inch or so. Above the knee is for the youngsters; mid-calf length is for my Mum! It is a fun print, if you're feeling in a good mood why not share it? I'd team it with a well fitted pale coloured cardie to add a touch of 'grown up.' Nicely made by the way :-)

  11. If you feel it being too long, I wouldn't shorten it by more than an inch.
    If you feel the print being too "cute", over-dye it softly with blue or green to tone it down a bit.
    If you feel happy with and in it, wear it and enjoy it!

  12. Wow ! Thank you for the great ideas and comments ! I like the dyeing suggestion. I might try that !


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