Friday, August 02, 2013

A Cool Mock-Up And A Question For You

Hello people !

We are well into summer and I finally got my sewing mojo back !

I have all these t-shirt scraps ALL OVER THE PLACE.  So I need to get rid of use them so I can get space for more...

I have this really cool mod-60ish tunic that I really love - and it is yellow ! I though I would make another like it with some of those pesky t-shirt scraps.

Here is the tunic:

You can't see the center vertical band but it is there.

So I wanted to make a mock-up before I used the "good" t-shirt scraps.  At one point in my creative journey, I wanted to make some underwear to sell so I bought a lot of pajamas and nightgowns for the cute fabrics.  So I have A LOT of those.  I also used them to make a mock-up of my prom dress.  Anywho, here is what my mock-up looks like:

First, I tried it with no sleeves: (sorry for the weird face... ugh...)

As you can see, the edges are not finished.  So I decided that it DID need sleeves.  Unfortunately, I did not have enough of the green fabric to make them so I got the closest I could.  So here is the result.  Not too bad for a lot of nighties ?

Here is the back:

Oh, and by the way, I made another with a different placement of the pieces and was wondering which PLACEMENT was better (ignore the colors... or the face):

View A:

 Or view B: ?

Which one do you think is better ?

Thanks for reading.  You can get more pictures here on my blog sewliltime.

Peace !



  1. I think View A. Somehow for me I prefer not to have a band of fabric accentuating my bosom.

    But View A also helps to draw the eye upwards. Visually, it seems with View B it comes up and then stops at the bosom.
    Sandy in the UK

  2. I like View A best, too, for the same reasons Sandy mentions. Love this idea, and it's a lot like something I've been thinking about doing with some of my scrap stash. This could be the inspiration I need to get going.

    Pam in the U.S.

  3. I agree with A - much more flattering.

  4. Yep... I'm with the rest! A is the more flattering of the two. Have fun with your project!

  5. Hey thanks a bunch ladies ! I'll do view A then.

  6. Well, somebody needs to stick up for View B, so as somebody whose motto is 'I spend my life in Plan B' it's gonna be me.

    View B does have a funky Anthro-copy/Mondrian vibe going. Maybe if you make the bottom section into a 'four patch' next time instead of the three vertical sections?


  7. the second one is reallly cute. luv the mix of the two prints.:)

  8. What fabulous fun! I like them both but version A a bit better. Love the fabrics in both. I like the idea of a four patch with the second fabrics.

  9. I can't really decide which I like better, but I love the conversation here. Are the fabrics you're using knits then or woven? I'm assuming knits since I don't see any darts, but I always seem to think of wovens for jammies... Thanks for a great post! -Seeks, EOD


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