Sunday, September 08, 2013

Adding a little sparkle

Well, it has been far too long since I last posted something here, and while I have done at least one major refashioning project (if not many more smaller projects), it didn't quite come out as I would have liked. So I didn't post on it...yet. :)

Here is a little something I whipped up just because I felt like I needed something sparkly to brighten my mood. I found this silk and sequined Dana Buchman jacket sans the sleeves at a thrift store in Queens a few weeks back.

This only set me back $2.50!!! Love half off tag sales!
Sparkly! And the perfect candidate for a simple accessory that can completely change the feel of a casual evening, I grabbed some jean legs that I'd cut off when I needed a pair of denim cutoffs for the summer...

here they are already opened up along the inner seam and cut down to size
 and along with a laminated piece of cardboard (to give it shape), I made this fancy little number.

A clutch! The glass buttons from the jacket are just gorgeous and I used one of those to create a closure, but I've got 4 left over for another project in the future :) :) :) I don't have a step by step on this but I'm sure there are great tutorials on how to sew simple bags with linings...and because this is just a rectangle, it really was incredibly easy.

In deconstructing the jacket I seam picked the inner lining from the outer sequined fabric, so I'll have another refashion coming up using the sheer sleeveless shell...maybe those buttons will find their way into that project ;) We shall see! Hope you enjoyed this one, because really, sparkles should make us happy!




  1. Oooo... sparkles do make me happy! Such a simple accessory, and yet it will really snazz up any outfit! I love it!

  2. What a lovely sparkly bag. I like the re-use of the left over pieces of jeans

    Debbie EOD


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