Saturday, January 25, 2014

Business Lady Blazer Dress?

I tried to look up other dresses like this, and wasn't sure what keywords to use. It's like a suit, but it's only one piece, so like a dress, but like a blazer?
Anyway, this refashion is a long time in the making. (boring, wistful story coming) I remember buying it over the summer of 2013, when everyone was wearing pastels and I was hoarding thrift store dresses in an attempt to fill a hole in my soul...Not much a of a story, actually. As a chick who's always fancied herself as "edgy," I never thought I'd be interested in such a pale green. I'm gonna go with "mint." This is my old, mint dress.

Sometimes, I think I bring items like this home, just for a challenge. It's a 80s Easter lookin dress by Knapp Studio. I guess that I liked the color and the fit (except for the arms). I hate the big shoulders and arms. I hate the buttons.
I started the overhaul process during the summer without a real plan. I remember taking the arms off and buying some novelty heart shaped buttons that didn't work out. "Meh," I probably said before tossing it into a pile.
In early September, I picked it up again.
I guess I took pictures of the process. Looks like I'm pinning the side seams, so the bodice can be taken in. That's right before I tossed it back in my "later" pile.
Finally...I have my very own sewing machine and was able to get to work. I know from my limited experience that removing sleeves leaves you with wacky sleeve holes.  Here's where I would show you what a nice job I did on them, considering I don't know what I'm doing. But, I can't find where I uploaded the picture. Here's a shot of the cheesy embellishment that I removed. It's an assortment of pearl-like buttons sewed into a doily. It doesn't look bad there, but I assure you it was really lame.

 Oh, wait. I found my picture (but not the "edit" button, apparently.)
Nighttime, phone can't really appreciate my amateur job.
Anyway, I hemmed all the parts that I had previously pinned, I won't walk you through that. The buttons. I actually sewed two on back in September! Look, I just wasn't excited about sitting down with a seam ripper and needle/thread to deal with eight buttons.
I know, not all that exciting but I went with plain, round black buttons. I knew I would have to add something to cover the damage where I ripped off that lacy button thing. I figured the buttons shouldn't compete. Luckily, I have a stockpile of iron appliques. (hand sewed this one on, though. Hard time committing.)
I went with this one that looks like an old crest or a girl scout badge, perhaps. Let's just look at the after pics, shall we?

 I'm satisfied with my results! Here's the thing about the pics. I slapped on a little lipstick, and managed to look drowsy and ghost-pale in every picture. I'm just gonna remove my head...

Decided to go without the belt for once.

As always, if you've got spare time, check out my blog Craft, Thrift or Die! I've got some stuff there.


  1. I love what you've done here! I would never pick that as the same dress. :-)

  2. Love it with the belt! It might work well to shorten it, but that depends on your tastes.
    Sandy in the UK

  3. Sandy, I always notice stuff like that after I've looked at the pictures. I love mid length skirts and dresses, but this one could definitely stand to lose a few inches off the bottom. Thank you!

  4. I highly recommend a pin-up style photo shoot with this dress. :)

  5. Ditto on the length...just a smidge! LOVE this!!! Seriously wouldn't have pictured such an amazing outcome, but you have definitely got the eye ;) Also love it with the belt and ditto Geminae!!! Do a pin-up photo shoot!!! <3

  6. Love the dress AND the boots! You did a great job transforming this 80s piece into something current. (And I think it's still a bit edgy too.)

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus

  7. Love it. You did an awesome job. Looks so good on you. Shows off your fantastic curves. A few inches off would be good. But still it is great. I also like it with the belt. Oh and I agree a pin up style photo would be great.
    April, Craftymomma

  8. sorry to be of topic...but the boots are awesome!

  9. Quite an improvement! You look great! I agree it could look good shorter but also like the current length. A also think you could take a little more off the sides but if you don't it still looks great! I don't know what exactly is meant by a pin up pic, but I'm guessing it's like one of those pics from the 60's where the women are in a sexy pose and if so then I think that would be great too!

  10. Oh! I think the belt and boots look awesome with that dress! You go girl!

  11. I love the refashion. I love the darker buttons, and I love the addition of the AWESOME boots and the belt. Great job!


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