Saturday, January 04, 2014

Cashmere hat (from a jumper!)

I'll admit it.  I don't always read the washing labels.  Normally it isn't a problem.

Except on one occasion when I put a gorgeous cashmere jumper in the normal wash.  Needless to say, it shrank.  Lots.

So I decided to make a hat out of it instead.

Using the jumper ribbing for the base of the hat, I added a 'felted' flower and a bit of sparkle.

What do you think?

More photos and details of this and other refashions can be found on my blog:

Happy refashioning everyone!


  1. Such a shame that your jumper bit the dust but what a gorgeous hat you've now got!

  2. I love the way it turned out-nice job. If I had extra, I would make wrist warmers to match-but I love wrist warmers-so that is just me.

  3. Love hoe pretty it is. I haunt thrift stores for cashmere to make in to wrist warmers and hats. Sorry about the jumper though.

  4. I lost a sweater to regular washing last year. If only I had turned it into a hat! Great job!

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus


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