Thursday, January 02, 2014

December 2013 Recap

Happy New Year to all - I can't believe that we are writing 2014 now and the Refashion Co-op is about to turn 3. For those of you who are not aware - our birthday is on the 14th February - nice and easy to remember :-)

Personally, I was so provoked by the sight of my number of refashion posts ranking (in the new lists to the left that I myself made ;-) ) that I decided that 2014 was going to be the year where I seriously got back into refashioning. I have something really special planned for my first projects. Can't wait to get started :-)

Anyway for this months refashion recap I must say that we had a lot of accessories. November was all about the dresses and December was all about the accessories. But hey, there is room for all on the blog. As long as it's an actual fashion refashion of course. Always think - is this wearable :-)

I also wanted to thank those of you who have been putting a before and after shot into one image - this is a great help for me when I am posting to the editors boards on Pinterest.

Below is the hashtags list updated with the posts from December first. As January gets going you will probably see some of the January posts appearing at the top of the list. This is just me trying to keep up throughout the month, instead of having 50 posts to sort through at the end of January (aw my neck).

As for the Pinterest boards I have embedded a pin from each edited board so you can see them all. There are several refashion group boards on Pinterest but the main one is the Refashion Co-op group board you can see below.

Any of you can contact me and ask me to be invited to any of the Refashion Co-op or my group boards. Just tell me your Pinterest username and make sure you are following the board you want to be a part of. If you want to make sure I see your request it would be best to contact me via email or on Facebook.


P.S. Over on my blog I am collecting what I feel were the most helpful refashion tutorials of the month. Check out the 9 most helpful refashion tutorials from December 2013.

Follow Refashion Co-op Refashion Co-op group board on Pinterest

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