Friday, January 03, 2014

Give those old pants a new life

Hey there,

I am Stephie and I am new here. I started sewing 4 years ago and shortly I became very attetched to refashioning. I love to give old, outdated or not really fitting clothes a new life. So last year I startet my own blog to show all the stuff that I made :)

For my sisters bday I wanted to make something special. I had those old pants.

And with a little help from a sewing pattern I made this one-of-a-kind skirt:

How do you like it?


  1. I really love this. I have been looking at this type of asymmetrical idea for skirts and tops alike (just flipping the skirt upside down and closing the shoulders and opening the arms). Now I just need to do it myself :) And I love the print on your blouse!!! ;) Great job.

    Andrea EOD

  2. Oh, and WELCOME!!!

    Andrea EOD

  3. Love it - we don't often get trouser refashions so that was a scoop :-)



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