Thursday, January 09, 2014

Snow suit refashion

Dear USA
We would like to have our winter back, please.
Yours Scandinavia

And now it seems like it is finally going to happen. Yay!

Which motivated me to finish a wintery refashion, that I didn't bother to look at, as long as winter had forgotten us:
I bought this snowsuit with a 70% discount in the spring. Too large and way too long, but cheap. And VERY bright.

Strangely enought, it wasn't the legs, that was too long, but the torso (what an odd fit, and probably why they were discounted).
I unstitched the lover part of the zipper. Removed a portion of fabric at the waist and sewed the upper and lower parts back together. And sewed the zipper back on. I used some of the lining, that I cut off, as an accent at the waist.
Ready for winter - finally!

More info on how I made this refashion, other refashions and creative projects at:


  1. I'm sure the USA would wrap it for you with a big bow if they could!


  2. A very good job. Not easy to think how to tackle that sort of thing, but it seems like it was easier than it sounds!
    Sandy in the UK

  3. If I could send some of the cold your way, I would wrap it and top with a big white bow! :). Great job on the refashion. Your determination to tackle a snowsuit is impressive.

  4. I think this is the bravest refashion ever! Well done!

  5. Great job. I love the color. I wish we had some of the snow in centrsl Oklahoma. We just have the cold. Anyway...awesome refashion.


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