Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tweed Peplum Blazer to Skirt

This weekend, I decided to turn this too-large pink and brown herringbone blazer into... a skirt!

I cobbled together a basic pencil skirt from the sleeves, upper back, and upper fronts. The lapels formed the back slit, the collar became part of the waistband, and the pocket flap band was salvaged as a peplum - with pockets still functional!

Tweed Peplum Skirt - After

Tweed Peplum Skirt - After

I can go casual or professional.

Tweed Peplum Skirt - AfterTweed Peplum Skirt - After

If you're interested in more pics or details on the process, hop on over to CarissaKnits!

Tweed Peplum Skirt - Before & After


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