Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dress made wider - corset back

A pretty vintage dress, but unfortunately a size too small. And the fit was meant to be tight around the chest to begin with.
Thats me trying not to breath, thus ripping the seams, while taking the picture.

I removed the zipper and added little loops along the back slit.
I cut the waist sash in half lengthways, sewed it back together and used it for ties.

Now I can actually breath while wearing the dress :).
The cardigan is also a refashion. It was a bed sweater, that i got for 25 Dkr (roughly 1$). I took it in about 3 sizes and now it fits - and fits in with the vintage theme.

Again, I'm sorry for poor mobile pictures. I miss my camera.

More pictures, more refashions and more creative projects on


  1. That's gorgeous, I love love love the new back.

    Adele - EOD
    Mammy Made

  2. What a great idea! That dress now looks so unique now. Great job!

  3. I like the entire outfit. Great job on the dress.


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