Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hat Refashion: Old Hat, New Hat

Once upon a time I had a favorite hat.

Until the sad, sad day that the snap broke in the back.

I bought a new one in blue, but I couldn't part with this one.  
I decided to see if I could resurrect it somehow.

I sketched out this little idea out and turned it into fabric appliqué.

Then stitched it onto my hat covering the old design.

To fix the back I just picked out the seam and took out the plastic snaps and added some velcro in its place.

I think it came out kinda cool!  
It's definitely a unique piece.

I have another old hat I want to try this out on, too.
I like that I can wear my fabric art pieces.
Super fun!
What do you think?

Erinn from Sticky Genius


  1. that looks great, clever idea

  2. Very practical. How many people would just throw it away. Glad you have REscued you favourite hat. Looks all new again. Makes me smile. I will share this REnew with my networks.

    Karen Ellis
    Melbourne, Australia
    Twitter @RudeRecord

  3. Turned out great!

    Cindy - Upcycled Design Lab

  4. I never would have thought of that. It looks fantastic!!

  5. What a good idea. I love the dark tree against the bright colours aswell, really makes a statement. Well done.

    Adele - EOD
    Mammy Made


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