Monday, April 28, 2014

Larkspur Skirt

This one's actually a re-refash! I down-sized this skirt from a size 20 to a 10-ish a couple years ago.

Pleated Skirt Before & After

I loss a little more weight after that, and now the skirt fits even better, BUT I still found myself never wearing it. The length was just all wrong.

Larkspur Skirt - Before

So I cut off about 8 inches from the outer fabric and the lining, and I rehemmed them both. A quick press of the pleats, and we're all set!

Larkspur Skirt - AfterLarkspur Skirt - After

I will definitely be wearing this more often now!
Check out CarissaKnits for more pics and details.

Larkspur Skirt - Before & After


  1. The shorter length definitely looks better on your than the longer one. Lovely!

  2. I would have kept the length. But I'm much taller than you are ;)

  3. Much better shorter Carrisa!

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab

  4. I love what the shortening of the skirt does with the pleats. Good call! Very cute!


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