Friday, April 25, 2014

No-Sew Refashioned Vest

This dress was just odd. From the waist up, it's not that bad, but that weird circle skirt in lieu of faux shirt tails? I just don't get it!

Sweater Vest Refashion

Enter my good friend, the seam ripper!

Sweater Vest RefashionSweater Vest Refashion

Ah, now that's much better!

For the full run-down, hop on over to CarissaKnits!

Sweater Vest Refashion - Before & After

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, what was up with the 'skirt' portion? Great save, Carissa, and lucky you that all it took was a seam ripper :) I see this lasting a long time in your wardrobe!

    Andrea EOD


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