Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pandas for my kids

I've been refashioning like crazy. I sat and counted how many refashioned items I had made this year only, and I've counted nearly 30 already! I'll keep them coming your way... let's start with the Panda inspired outfit I made for my daughter and the hoddie for my baby boy (due in July)...

Starting with his... here's what I started with...

I've turned the back into the new front and the sleeves into the hoodie. I included some black velvet I had in my stash and here's what I got:

For the big sister I used one of my old white shirts and scraps from a sequined fabric I had used years ago for the top and daddy's t-shirt for the leggings. 

With that I made her a whole new outfit which she loved too much... 

Read more HERE


  1. All of then are such cute refashions!

    Cindy - Upcycled Design Lab

  2. Oh my gosh. I am in love with everything. Well done Magda!

    Adele - EOD
    Mammy Made


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