Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Stripy shorts bag - a quick how-to

Take one pair of stripy shorts, some lining fabric of your choice (polka dot is always good!), a little know-how and ta-dah - a new bag is created!

With that colour denim it was bound to look good!  And it was easy peasy - here's how:

Cut off the legs at crotch level parallel to the waistband and then sew them up.

Make two handles with the remainder of the cut-off section and add them to the inside of the waistband.

Then make a lining of a similar shape and add the fastener of your choice.  Turn the top of the lining down and top-stitch in place.

That's it!

Told you it was easy!

The before:

If you are careful not to cut the bottom of the pocket it can still be used :)

The interior with an added pocket for luck:

For more photos and details of this and other refashions, my blog can be found at:

Happy refashioning!


1 comment:

  1. I like the stripes and polka dots together and the "belt" really pulls it all together.

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab


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