Monday, August 25, 2014

Me in August: Late and without extraneous effort

During the school year, I tend to be a busy person. Nothing outrageous: two jobs, chores, dates, etc. During the summer, school's out and I work a summer program in July, then attempt to get by on just one job (which is selling vintage on Etsy, so I'm pretty much making my own schedule.) Point is, I've got spare time. Or I should...why is it that when I am busy, I somehow manage to pull my act together and get things done; and when I don't have a packed schedule...not so much?
I got the plan to refashion some muumuus back in June, which I eventually did:
The plan was to make smaller those garments! Their lightweight material would be great for keeping cool in my non-air conditioned public school building! Let's see!
Pretty cute, right? Look closer. What's wrong here?
Yup. That "dress" is flirting with being transparent. Easy fix to wear by wearing a slip under it, but my plan was for minimum material, not layers. Here's the other one:
Here's that full post: "I don't want to look like a weirdo; I'll just take a muumuu"
That post ended with a teaser of yet another muumuu:
I went with the same idea: make it smaller and belt it.
All I did was add two darts in front, take in from the back, and sew up some rolled sleeves. Nice, but I just wasn't feeling it. Too much of that material. I was gonna take the easy way out. Now it's a skirt.
The tiny shirt + midi or maxi skirt is my go-to outfit of the summer. It's just easy.  That's how I roll in the summer. Takin' it easy.Full post on my blog: Craft, Thrift, or Die: August skirt


  1. The new skirt looks great. I like the other refashions a lot, they make sweet dresses

    Debbie EOD

  2. I love the blue dress! Can't go wrong with nautical colours :D

  3. I love your sense of style! I actually loved the blue floral as a dress, but now it'll be so much more flexible and perfect for fall!!! Boots, tights, and a cozy sweater :) Love it!

  4. Love them all! So much productivity in these lazy days of summer Lol! :P

  5. Really like all the looks. Love the colors and prints. You did a great job lady!


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