Thursday, October 16, 2014

Maternity to Non-Maternity Shirt Refashion

After rocking this maternity shirt for many months while sporting my baby bump, I really loved the navy and white striped look. I didn't have a non-maternity replacement in my closet. So I dug into my sewing arsenal and rid this shirt of its "maternity" status to make it fit a regular ol' non-pregnant lady. You can see how it fit me before my refashion (below) and after being subject to my scissors and needle (above). Stop over to my blog to see the original post when I wore the shirt "before" as well as the instructions for my refashion resulting in the "new" addition to my closet above. 


RanchHouse said...

I would find it hard to let such a cute stripe go too. Great save!

jennifer elliott said...

I agree with RanchHouse! Great save.

Jennifer Elliott, EOD