Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sweatshirt refashion

I have had this picture on my refashion Pinterest board for a long time. I finally got around to trying it. I started with this shapeless 3XL sweatshirt.

I cut off the neckband, waistband, and cuffs. Then I sliced it up the front, a few inches off center.

To take out some of the bulk, I took it in on the sides and under the arms. I also folded the back panel in half from top to bottom and took out a slice there, narrower at the bottom edge to sit right over my hips.

I added some gathers on the front "lapel" and trimmed it a bit to get the neckline shape I wanted. I reinforced the lapels with iron-on interfacing, then added buttonhole and buttons. 

I love how it turned out! Comfy and chic!

Thanks for reading.     -Amy


  1. That is fabulous. And it looks like you got a fabulous new haircut as well! :) perfect!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for sharing this fun refashion. This should be very fun to wear.
    Mary @ RanchHouse EOD

  4. Wow! Love the neckline and overlap concept.
    Sandy in the UK

  5. Well done! You took that inspiration and made it your own. Love it.

  6. THAT is ADORABLE! Cool results for sure.

    Happy refashioning,

  7. What a fabulous SAVE! It took the top... OVER THE TOP!

    Happy refashioning,

  8. What a transformation!! :)

  9. can you add photo of what you did with the "folded the back panel in half from top to bottom and took out a slice there, narrower at the bottom edge to sit right over my hips"?

  10. Wow thats smart thanks for sharing


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