Saturday, January 24, 2015

My button print shirt dress!

Like most of my refashions, I mostly just made something smaller. I was really just excited that I can finally wear this adorable print.
It looks like polka dots. Here, I blew them up:
Wait until you see it with the belt; the button belt!
Yes, that's an actual waist cinching belt with a clasp that looks like a huge button. For a closer look, I extra-larged the pics on my post on my blog.
Thanks for looking at the millionth thrift store dress from my growing collection!


  1. If belting a dress didn't make me look pregnant, I would totally wear cute little dresses like your refashions every day. Great job!

  2. Love the print and the dress!

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus

  3. So cute! I love the little button print! I always like your refashions and I'm totally going to use that shoulder trick I saw on your blog! 😉

  4. Thank you, fellow refashioners! Love Street Salvage! You have the best dresses ever. I always get excited to see your posts. I can't believe you like one of my little "techniques!"


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