Friday, April 24, 2015

A Jumpsuit Gets New Life as a Dress

I started with this Sheri Martin, New York jumpsuit that had lost it’s size label a long time ago. This quirky number was built for the very tall, jump-suit adoring woman… aka not me. (I am actually wearing jeans under it in this photo!)

I knew I wanted to make this into a dress, so the first thing I did was rip out the leg seams so I could put it on my dress form. From there, took in all of the too big parts, made a couple of new seams and shortened it to my desired length.

The end result was a dress that I could wear to the office.

To see more details and pictures from this refashion, visit my blog at


  1. So much better as a dress! I love a good basic, and this dress will be so versatile! Thanks for sharing :)

    Andrea EOD

  2. I agree with Andrea! So much better as a cute little dress. Great job!

  3. What a great job! You had good eyes to see this dress in that jumpsuit :)


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