Thursday, April 23, 2015

Breezy Tank Refash

I am TRYING to push this Michigan weather towards summer by refashioing myself a nice breezy tank top! But it's Michigan and our weather is always wacky! 

 I wanted to accentuate the collar pattern at the top with a different color material. I used this beautiful blue/purple shimmery fabric that I had left over from helping a friend add more fabric to a t-shirt.
I began by tracing the collar detail and made my very own pattern!

Pinned it on the material and began cutting it out.  


 Pinned my 'socks' to the shirt.
I began sewing. Everything was going smoothly...
Then THIS happened! 

GRRRRR! You've got to be kidding me!!!!! After I calmed down after my fit of rage, I used my seam ripper to get rid of this boo-boo and started again.
Then I wanted to add a fabric flower to the bottom of the shirt. I made my own pattern by tracing an image of a flower. I really wanted this flower to have a full look rather than being totally flat so I pinned and cut two flowers!
With my trusty sewing machine I sewed the bottom flower on... Then I stitched the top flower on with some embroidery thread that matched the shirt color for some extra pizzaz! But I wasn't done there! Oh no!
added three buttons to the middle of the flower too! 
 I am so super excited about how this turned out! My face doesn't really reflect how excited I am but trust me, I can't wait to wear this on a hot summer day! Happy Refashioning!
Come check out my stash of refashes on my blog:


  1. Those changes made such a difference! Nice job! :)

    1. Thank you! I was pleased at how much the changes made the top pop!

  2. Great job! I love the new accents to the shirt.

    Jennifer Elliott, EOD

    1. Thank you! It's in the running for my favorite refash yet!


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