Sunday, May 31, 2015

Blue Bubble Dress Refash

I have to admit I actually paid full price for this vintage 1980s dress, a whopping $8! But that is a drastic increase from my usual .50cent steals! 

The husband and I have been very busy going to dental hygiene continuing education classes lately, which means I have been in need of some new outfits to wear! Our class was on Friday and with Memorial Day on Monday I was short on refashion time. This refash only required 2 things: 1. Removal of the sleeves and 2. Shortened length. Which means I would only need a little bit of time to pull this off!

  Step 1: Remove sleeves.

  Finally rid of those ugly sleeves and mini shoulder pads. Again, I never understood the point of the mini shoulder pad. One of life's mysteries I suppose..

  After I removed the sleeves I folded over the outer material over the lining to finish the armholes.

  Sewing my arholes!

  Step 2. Shortening the length. I took about 10 inches off the bottom of the dress and folded it over to make a tiny hem.

After our dental hygiene class we stopped by the Blue Water Bridge (Goes across to Canada) for a quick picture! It was pretty wiiiindy!

Enjoyed lunch and a beer at Junction Bouy on the St. Clair River :) Yum! Took this picture just before it started to rain and we had to move tables :(

Happy Refashioning!!!
Check out stash of refashions on my blog:


  1. Totally worth the $8! You look lovely!


  2. Amazing that all it took to make that dress awesome was just two changes.

    1. It took no time at all, which made me really happy!

  3. Loved it!!!


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