Monday, May 11, 2015

One Men's Polo into a Skirt and Crop Top!

I was in search of something yellow when I came across this men's polo. Orignially, I was trying the match the yellow to a top I had and this one was the perfect color.

When I cut off the bottom of it, I knew I wanted to make a skirt. I added some elastic to the waist but had a sudden idea. What would happen if I added the elastic down about 4 inches from the top?

But what about the extra material? I was looking at the top part and thought- let's try a crop top!

One shirt remade two ways!
Here is the skirt tutorial and here is the crop top tutorial.

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. Love the two for one projects and they both look great on you.

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab


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