Friday, May 08, 2015

Traditional sweater to tunic

I found this traditional sweater in a thrift shop and just had own it. Particularly because it is a straight up, classic model, that has not been redesigned, updated or made in neon colours. Just the regular, oldfashioned model.

It was made for a large man, not a small woman,

The sleeves were too worn to be saved.


I removed the sleeves and seamed them by hand.

A lot of threads in the body of the sweater had sprung. I mended it with a darning needle and matching yarn.
Inside out.
Lastly I took it in at the sides.
Now a nice warm tunic.



  1. Wow, it would even be worth to do this tunika afresh/new if no 'matching husband and/or ( ;-) ) jumper is volunteering

  2. Great job! I think the sweater looks much better as a tunic. I love the pattern of the sweater.

    Jennifer Elliott, EOD

  3. Wow. that looks really great and super cozy to wear!


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