Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Too Short Crop Top, A Long Shapeless Dress and Curtain Trim

I always pick up long, shapeless dresses from the thrift store because they can always be used. I don't typically pick up shirts from the .50cent store (I typically buy shirts in bag sales for around .15 cents...) But this blue shirt just had something special. It was a really pretty blue and had an amazing pattern on it. BUT, it is a belly shirt!

I cut the green dress in half (perks of being super short!) added half the green to the blue shirt, and then added curtain trim to the bottom of the remaining green dress!

The blue dress tutorial can be found here and the green dress tutorial can be found here !

Happy Sewing!


  1. Well done, both items look great!

  2. Love that you got two for one. And now I know what to do with my curtain trim in the stash. Thanks for sharing.
    Mary @ Ranch House Wednesday EOD

  3. Pretty cool dress!! Awesome! ;)


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