Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A refashioned neckline or maybe not!

This is a top from my wardrobe, in need of a refashion. I decided to simply shorten it and use this extra piece of fabric as a tie to give the neckline a bit of a revamp!

 But look at how the new neckline feature disappears into the print? I'm not happy with this! So if you give it a try - beware the busy print!

So I haven't quite decided yet, but I may revisit this top and remake it into something else. I often mock up ideas before I get happy with the scissors... so I might remodel the top into this faux fur edged cardigan. 

 For details on how simple it is to create this neckline feature, visit my blog here!


  1. Yep, fur is another option yet please remember: it ties YOU to a season to wear it.
    'Yet no. 2' : YOUR choice towards YOUR happiness. Good luck aaand fun!

    LG, Gerlinde

  2. Hmmm ... the fur does look very nice ...

  3. I can't decide. I like them both.

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab

  4. It's a tricky one, and I still haven't decided yet!?

  5. The fur looks cool.

    Maybe the neck tie would work better as a big fluffy bow that sticks up above the collar so it's more noticeable?


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