Sunday, January 03, 2016

A Dress for Florida Refash

I picked up this dress when the husband and I were in Lansing a few months ago. I was super excited for this print and light cotton fabric. This dress would be perfect for a hot summer day, but unfortunately when I got this dress winter was on our doorstep. Until...we planned our last minute trip to Florida!
It was time to get my sewing machine in gear and get this refash done before we left for the sunshine state!

Removed those pesky shoulder pads.

I cut 5 inches off the sleeves.

Pinned and hemmed the sleeves.

I used another one of my dresses as a pattern for the length. I hemmed he dress by taking 11 inches off the bottom.

I wore my new dress with a belt and popped the collar and I was off to the beach on a beautiful 86 degree day!
We were so fortunate to meet up with my mom's life long friend who lives just minutes from my grandparents house!
  My mom's friend is also a HUGE thrifter and she sells her finds on ebay, you can find her vintage thrifted finds here:

This was our last night in sunny Florida. We had a great time visiting my grandpa and cherring him up during his time at the hospital. I am pleased to say he was released to go home the day we left. I hope 2016 is a better and healthier year for him.

Happy Refashioning!!!
Check out my stash of refashions on my blog:


  1. That dress looks terrific after your refashion. The colours look gorgeous with your hair colour. Cheers, Michele

  2. This is just perfect! I love it, and it looks great on you!

  3. Great save!

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab


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