Monday, January 25, 2016

Socks, Made From a Sweater

For a while now I've wanted a pair of wool socks, unfortunantly I'm too cheap to pay for them. Finally, after this most recent cold snap and cold toes and idea hit me. I could sew myself some socks out of a wool sweater! So off to the thrift store I went.

I found this soft, thin-ish and stretchy, 100% sweater. It was perfect for what I had in mind, so I brought it home and cut it up. (yes, I forgot to take a pic until after I started cutting, oops, sorry about the missing sleeve)

Less than an hour later I had a very comfy pair of wool knee socks. (My favorite kind)

This wound up being a very easy project, so once these were done I sewed a couple more pairs of socks. To see those and find out about the pattern I used check out my blog post here!

1 comment:

  1. Old sweaters have so many uses, and I love the idea of using them for warm socks. Nice refashion.

    Jennifer, EOD


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