Saturday, May 07, 2016

1 top x 2 refashions and a maybe!

This is a story about a refashion of a refashion and a top that almost was.

So I had worn the plain round neck top, but wasn't sure about it, so I mocked up a fur edged top using a t-shirt and piece of faux fur, wasn't sure about it, so I cut a strip from the bottom edge to made a tie neck feature, wore it, wasn't sure again. I forgot about it for a while and then finally refashioned it into a cardi.

Now I like it. For a look at how I managed to make the button stand for this cardi and the history of this top's life have a look at my blog post here. 


  1. I like the cardigan best too! I think it's the versatile of all this top's iterations. And those buttons work so well with the print! I admire your persistence!


  2. I like the cardi. And I really like your honesty about trying different ideas one after the other.


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