Thursday, June 09, 2016

Easy Lace Refashion

Good Evening Everyone!!  I am so excited -  I've had a dress for years that I've worn one time... I love the dress, but didn't realize until I put in on that the four 18" slits that are equidistant around the skirt would be sooo open and, well... not for me :(
Here's the dress pre-refash, and a couple of pics of the slits.  (just ignore that little bit of black peeking out -- I kinda forgot to take a picture before I even started ;/ )

Now it so happens that 5 years ago, I strolled into a fabric shop in NYC and purchased a couple of yards of the most beautiful black lace...  Well, finally after all this time, it occurred to me -- that black lace could fix my dress problem!!!!  So I measured the slits, decided how wide I wanted the inserts to be, and set to cutting out my triangles of lace.  I simply sewed them in place on the inside of the dress, and Voila!!  I can now wear my dress, and I actually think I like it even more!!  Woo Hoo!!!

Knowing me, I might just take it a step further... who knows? :)
Thanks for looking!!

1 comment:

  1. The black lace really complements the blue floral pattern. I love the fix. Great job.

    Jennifer, EOD


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