Tuesday, June 07, 2016

WHBM T-shirt

Other than the slightly fabulous neckline on this why, you ask, was I drawn to this glorified T-shirt?



White House Black Market is only the most chic (ie expensive) clothing shop ever! It's Amazing defined... Unfortunately, even on clearance, I just can't bring myself to make purchases. Someday, though. Someday! :)

Can you believe, I got this for only .99 cents? Talk about a miracle!

I shortened this sucker and did a rolled hem on the edge. Because it's stretchy it curls creating a lettuce leaf effect... a super easy trick I do all. the. time.


Easy Peasy.

~Laura <3


  1. Great find! And super easy and effective fix, good job :)

  2. One of my favorite brands too, when I can find them thrifting! That was a super long shirt; I cant' believe how much you trimmed off to get a regular length shirt. Maybe that's why it was donated in the first place!

  3. I love the neckline too. Great find.

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycled Design Lab


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