Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Skirt made bigger and shorter

I made this skirt bigger and shorter in one fell swoop

I bought it for only £1 from a local charity shop in a size smaller than I normally wear but that could be fixed.

The shape and simple construction of this skirt meant that by removing an inch of length from the waistband end it was made both bigger and shorter.

Here is what I cut off.

I made a new waistband from a thin strip of t-shirt fabric, stretching it slightly as I sewed.

More photos and details here

And here is me wearing the skirt.


RePurposeFul said...


I Can Work With That said...

Very clever, and the stripes are cute.

Heidi said...

What pretty colors! That worked well for you!

Vintagethrifter51 said...

Wonderful refashion!! It looks terrific on you. Great save. Cheers, Michele

Unknown said...

I have been meaning to do this exact thing to a few skirts! Thanks for the inspiration and great job!

cfort82 said...

Cute skirt. I like the bottom detail. Nice save.

Cindy - EOD
Upcycled Design Lab

Amy Jo said...

what a nice skirt! Good job altering it!

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