Sunday, July 17, 2016

Summer Dress Refash

The roomie and I scored these adorable B&W striped dresses on clearance at WalMart for $3! Wow! Lucky for us they had both our we could be twinzies!
DSCN0627Pretty cute cotton dress all by itself but you already know I can't leave something as is! My plan was to incorporate this beautiful silk scarf somehow...
DSCN0632Razorbacks are all the rage during the summer so to create that look on my dress I pulled back the straps and secured it with a black ribbon. I tied 2 knots in the ribbon and then used liquid stitch to secure it to the dress fabric.
DSCN0637I also found this black bow at WalMart for $1 and used the liquid stich again to glue it onto my dress.
DSCN0634I added these B&W buttons to the front of my dress kind of like a broach.
DSCN0638Now for that silk scarf
I used heat n bond on the scarf and cut out the floral part and ironed it onto my dress. I was pleasantly surprised that the heat n bond did not make the cutout stiff like all the other cotton cutouts I've done before.
Now that my new dress was completed the 3 roomies ventured down to the Toledo Zoo on a beautiful sunny day!
DSCN0639DSCN0649DSCN0652DSCN0657DSCN0662DSCN0641Us and our new $3 dresses!
 The roomie decorated her dress by sewing on a series of buttons! It also turned out totally cute!

We worked up an appetite after all the walking around at the zoo! So we stopped in at Maumee Bay Brewing Co. for some yummy beers and eats!

Happy Refashioning!!!
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  1. Looks like your friend did some refashioning as well!

  2. Nice contrasting colors! Looks like it was perfect for the aquarium!

  3. I like your roomie's buttons and your floral additions too! Great job, you two!


  4. How fun to refashion the same item with a friend. Super cute.

  5. The Heat n Bond cut-out! It's so fun! I've done that before and I just (like yesterday) cut some birds from a shirt to use on the bottom of a dress as well. Now I'm gonna look like a copycat!
    I'll just say that great minds think alike, right?
    You made a great summer dress.


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