Friday, August 26, 2016

2 pairs of jeans and a floral top = a jacket

The #therefashioner2016 challenge is year was to refashion jeans! I wasn't feeling particularly inspired by this, until I saw this Zara shop window display in Edinburgh!


So 2 pairs of black jeans and a cream lacy top, with a tiny bit of black, a lot of playing with bondaweb, and using a favourite vintage pattern, I now have a jacket that I'm really enjoying wearing. For the full story, including how many times you can move a flower, have a look at my blog post!


  1. I love the new jacket and I can imagine the answer to how times can you a flower is 10 or more. I have that problem too! Move it around until I realize the first spot was probably the best.

    Jennifer, EOD

  2. Ah Jennifer, we're all the same, should I move it, should I not?? Thank you I enjoy wearing the jacket!


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