Sunday, August 07, 2016

#4 August Back to School Pink Shirt / Jacket

GOAL: Refashion 10 Items for August Back to School Wardrobe. It is HOT in Texas. This is #4
Back to School Wardrobe:
*Retired from University and I return to Elementary School – TOMORROW !!!.
*Dress is business-casual to very casual.
*I will Up-cycle from my University Pre-retirement work and week-end stash.

BEFORE: Pink shirt from week-end stash. Several sizes too large and never worn. Sleeve arm cycle was very large and could not be taken down to a normal shirt sleeve opening. Hem was shirt-tail. The shirt would serve best as an open shirt jacket.
  1.  Take in seams on body side and sleeve.  Leave full enough to serve as shirt-jacket. Sleeve cycle still sits very low.
  2.  Cut shoulder seam back ¾ inch to fit my narrow shoulders.
  3.  Stitch sleeves back in place. Serge seam.
  4.  Stitch fold-over elastic into wrist to slightly gather oversized sleeve cuff. This gives a slight bell sleeve.
  5.  Even the shirt hem, serge, and top-stitch.

AFTER: New shirt jacket with slight bell sleeves ready to wear. Teamed with pink t-shirt and summer capris for casual work days at Elementary School.
Shirt Jacket with slight bell sleeve.
Shoulders narrowed.
Side seam taken in.
Cuffs belled.
Hem evened from shirt-tail hem.

Shoulder seam too wide.
Cuff too wide.
Sides too full.
Shirt-tail hem.

1 comment:

  1. I like the bell sleeve it adds a great detail

    Debbie EOD


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